Master backups offer a permanent solution for the retention of your data in Modular. Unlike regular backups, which are automatically deleted after the days you have set in your retention policy, master backups can be kept indefinitely.

How to create a master backup

  • Go to the list of backups of your website in Modular DS.

  • Find the backup you want to keep for the long term.

  • Click on the star next to the backup date to mark it as a master.

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Manage and delete master backups

If at some point you decide that you no longer need a master backup, you can easily revert its status:

  • Uncheck the star next to the master backup you want to remove.

  • Confirm your decision to remove its master status.

  • You can then choose to delete it manually or, if it has exceeded the retention time set for your site, wait for it to be deleted automatically in a few minutes.

Using master backups allows you to have greater control over the retention of critical data, ensuring that you will always have access to essential backups, regardless of the passage of time.

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What is expert backup configuration

Depending on the capacity of your server, it may not be able to complete Modular backups with this. One of the ways to avoid this is to change the advanced configuration settings that can be found in the backup configuration of a website. 

Maximum number of files

This setting sets the maximum number of files to process per cycle. Decreasing this value is ideal for servers with older, slower hard disks.

One cycle is .....

Maximum ZIP size

Modular creates several ZIPs of your website for backup and uploads them to the cloud. The larger these ZIPs are, the more it will cost the server to send them. By default, we set 128MB as a limit, although most servers can handle much more. At the same time, if you have an underpowered or overloaded server, you can even lower this value.

Maximum waiting time

If any error occurs during the backup creation process, Modular will retry...