In this article we explain our backup retention policy and how you can adapt it to your needs for each website.

How long are backups kept?

By default, backups generated in Modular DS are retained for 45 days after their creation, regardless of whether they are created manually or automatically. This retention period is designed to offer you a balance between security and efficiency in storage space management.

Customization of backup retention

We know that each project has its own needs. That's why we offer you the possibility to adjust the backup retention policy to your needs. 

Under backups > configuration, on any of your websites, you will find options to customize this period according to the backup frequency you have set. This way, you have the control to decide how long you want to keep each backup.

Backups Modular

Master backups: Your long-term insurance

For those backups that you consider critical and do not want to lose under any circumstances, our PRO plans allow you to mark up to three master backups per website. These master backups will not be automatically deleted, remaining safe until you decide to unmark them as such or delete them manually. This feature is ideal for ensuring stable and reliable restore points over the long term.

Backup Modular EN

Learn more about master backups

To learn more about how to make the most of master backups and ensure the integrity of your web projects, we invite you to read our article dedicated to this topic. You will discover how this tool can be a fundamental ally in your web maintenance strategy.