Inside each of the websites you connect to Modular you will have an update widget.

First Steps

This widget will show you the pending updates divided into the different types that exist in WordPress:

  1. Plugins

  2. Themes

  3. WordPress

  4. Translations

Next to the type of update it will indicate how many plugins or themes you have installed and in red the ones that need to be updated. 

Within the list, to the right of the name, it will indicate which is the current version of your website and which version needs to be updated. You can click on the latest version to see the changelog of plugin changes.

Changelog Modular

To perform an update, you must select the available items you want to update and click on the update selection button.

Web Actualizador

If you think that the pending updates are not well synchronized because there is a plugin pending update that does not appear as such in the list, you can click on the “Reload” button. And we will make a new request to WordPress to refresh the information.

First Steps