Managing your work in Modular is even easier when you organize your sites by teams or folders. Here's how you can create and rename teams within your Modular account.

Create a new team

1. Find and click on the “+ Team” button, located at the top of your control panel.

First Steps

2. Type in the name you want for your new team. Don't worry too much about the perfect name; if you change your mind, you can easily modify it later.

First Steps

Rename an existing equipment

Your equipment has evolved and its current name no longer works for you? Changing it is a quick process:

  1. Access, from the control panel sidebar, to the computer you want to rename.

First Steps

2. Click on “Edit team” in the right sidebar.

First Steps

3. In the pop-up, enter the new name for your computer and confirm by saving the changes.

First Steps

And just like that, your team will have a new identity that better fits its current composition.