Possible errors
Any problems using Modular?
My website appears as down (Uptime) and I have the Bot Fight Mode active in Cloudflare
What to do so that Modular detects your website correctly.
I don't get any data when I connect Google Analytics
How to fix the problem so that the statistics of your Google Analytics accounts appear in Modular.
Some plugin updates are not showing up
Some premium plugins do not appear in Modular's list of plugins to be upgraded.
I can't access Modular from my mobile
We do not yet have a responsive version of the application.
Why do I have a plugin that won't update with Modular?
Possible reasons why a plugin cannot be updated from Modular.
False downtime alerts in Uptime Monitor
We tell you why you may have received a false alert on one of your websites.
Malware Alert with Security & Malware Scan by CleanTalk
We tell you why you may have received this alert and why Modular is safe.
Error while making a backup
We tell you the reasons why the backups of one of your websites may not be being done correctly.
WordPress plugins incompatible with Modular
List of plugins incompatible with Modular.
Error connecting a web to Modular
If when trying to connect your website to the Modular application you have seen an error message and the connection could not be made, it could be for one of the following reasons.